Supporting learning at St Augustine’s Primary School

Posted 05/05/2021
As part of its social value commitment at its Chippenham Gardens project in South Kilburn, Brent, Higgins has sponsored an after school STEM club, with a focus on maths for year 6 students.
The impact of the pandemic has had a significant effect on children of all ages, so the weekly session will enable pupils to get the extra help they need. Higgins is also hoping to be able to volunteer to support these sessions in the future.
Oliver Parsons, Assistant Head and SENDCo/Inclusion at St Augustine’s CE Primary School said, “Higgins has generously provided us with the funding to provide a free after school STEM club for children who need extra support in reaching their end of Primary School targets. The club is very popular with children and has been a great opportunity for them, in this difficult year in education.”
Amy Ross, Head of Social Value at Higgins Partnerships comments, “We are committed to working with schools around our projects and are delighted to be able to provide this STEM Club for St Augustine’s. STEM Clubs are designed to provide out of timetable sessions that enrich and broaden the curriculum, giving young people the chance to explore subjects like science, technology, engineering and maths in a less formal setting. We really hope the children find them beneficial.”
Higgins is building 52 high quality new homes for Brent Council, including 22 affordable homes for existing South Kilburn council tenants. The redevelopment site comprises of 4-26 Stuart Road (even numbers only) and 5-9 Chippenham Gardens and forms a fundamental and key part of phase 3a of the South Kilburn regeneration programme.
Designed by award winning PRP Architects and wider multi-disciplinary design team, the project has undergone an extensive and inclusive consultation process with existing residents and wider stakeholders.
As well as the new public square, the scheme will also be a car-free development with, the intended adoption of Stuart Road by the local highway authority and CPZ parking also intended to be implemented along Stuart Road.