Hartopp and Lannoy Point, Hammersmith
Delivered for Hammersmith and Fulham Council, the Hartopp and Lannoy Point development will provide 134 new homes (45 shared ownership, 22 private sale and 67 affordable rent) replacing two rundown fourteen-storey buildings on the Aintree Estate, Hammersmith. Originally constructed in 1968-70, using a technique known as ‘Large Panel System’, it was recently determined that the two blocks should either be strengthened or demolished. With refurbishment costs estimated to be in excess of £16 million it was decided that it would be more cost effective to demolish the blocks and redevelop the site.
The new development will comprise of three apartment buildings ranging in height from three to seven storeys, fronting a new community green. With a commitment to homes for local people, 84 per cent of the new homes will be genuinely affordable. As well as re-providing the 112 homes for existing estate residents, local residents in housing need will be given first priority to secure one of the new affordably rented homes.
Designed by architects BPTW, the new development is being built to Passivhaus ‘Classic’ standards to deliver operational net zero carbon and to meet the Council’s target to be net zero carbon by 2030. The new development will reduce heat loss with extensive insulation and energy use by using state-of-the-art technologies such as ‘blue’ and ‘green’ roofs, air source heat pumps and solar panels. By working closely with energy and sustainability consultants and adopting a fabric first approach this highly sustainable development will reduce net carbon by 86% which in turn will help residents to save on their energy bills. The new development will also include electric vehicles charging facilities for local residents.
Cycle storage for 250 bikes and bin storage areas will be provided within the new buildings as well as high-quality shared amenity spaces. New communal courtyard gardens will provide a mixture of soft and hard landscaped areas, trees, shrubs and play spaces for different age groups.
The prominent Aintree Estate Resident Steering Group have been heavily involved throughout and a process of ‘Resident Coproduction’ has been adopted to ensure the aims and objectives of the residents are taken into consideration. To ensure the residents are kept involved and informed throughout the works, Higgins have developed a detailed Community Engagement Strategy and a Community Partnership Offer to ensure that we deliver our promises of resident coproduction, excellent community engagement and delivering a lasting legacy.
Cllr Frances Umeh, Hammersmith and Fulham Cabinet Member for Housing and Homelessness said: “I’m delighted that we can start to build these new energy efficient homes on the Aintree Estate”