Calling all Volunteers! Higgins launches its Volunteering Policy

Posted 07/06/2021

As part of its commitment and approach to supporting the communities in which it works, Higgins has launched its Volunteering Policy on the back of the national Volunteers’ Week 2021 (1st to 7th June).

In 2019/20 there were around 163,000 voluntary organisations in the UK, most of which rely on volunteers. Higgins intends to create a channel for the skills, knowledge and expertise of its staff to be effectively shared to positively impact the wider community.

Declan Higgins, Partnerships Director comments, “We are thrilled to have launched our Volunteering Policy providing our employees the opportunity offer a helping hand on worthy projects in the community.

“Employee volunteers can make a significant difference to charities, social enterprises and community groups through time or fundraising contributions. The business recognises the benefits of employee volunteering, such as increased employee collaboration and skill development as well as boosting confidence, improving wellbeing, and feeling good about ‘giving back’.

“We have volunteers lined up to spend a day with HARP (Southend Homeless Charity) on 10th and 11th June helping to paint their old furniture store in Southend-on-Sea. Other opportunities with Ascension Community Trust include spending the day providing admin support, helping feed local people, entertaining children, and tidying centres.”

Higgins will promote opportunities throughout the business and encourage staff to consider additional ways to create lasting benefits for the local communities in which we are working. There are a number of volunteering opportunities to consider including:

  • Working with local schools eg supporting homework clubs, STEM activity or career fairs
  • Work with job seekers to help them back into work
  • Work with people with learning needs or disability
  • Helping a social enterprise with business planning
  • Working with suppliers to engage in community activities
  • Working with local community groups to refurbish/improve local facilities or green spaces