Commemorative hoarding created at Garratt Lane

Posted 12/07/2022
A colourful commemorative mural has been created on the hoarding on the corner of Swaffield Road and Garratt Lane, Wandsworth to mark 125 years of Swaffield School, the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and 70 plus years of the NHS.
Designed by artists Frankie Strand and Leroy Farndon-Taylor, with help from the children of Swaffield School, the work was commissioned by Higgins Partnerships as part of their work with the local community at their Garratt Lane development.
Artist Frankie Strand explains the concept, “Leroy and I were thrilled to be asked by Higgins Partnerships to create a mural to celebrate the community, the Platinum Jubilee, 70 plus years of the NHS and the 125th anniversary of Swaffield School.
“We began by creating a mood board with images relating to the NHS and the Jubilee and then agreed together the best way of creating something that would be visually appealing and also allow the children and community to get involved.
“We created a series of stamps within the mural which we felt was a really nice way of allowing the public to create their own ‘stamp’ contribution. We are so pleased to see how much everyone has got involved and embraced the project.”
Higgins Partnerships are redeveloping council owned land in Garratt Lane to provide 193 apartments and houses in Earlsfield, South London.
Amy Ross, Head of Social Value at Higgins Partnerships comments, “We have previously worked with Frankie on our development in Kilburn so it’s wonderful to have her back and creating another fantastic masterpiece along with Leroy. We are committed to working closely with the local communities and it’s really rewarding to see how much the children from Swaffield School have engaged and made their mark on this eye-catching mural. I would like to thank the local community for getting involved as well.”
Brendan Conway, Chair Governor, Families & Communities at Swaffield School said, “Our school sits at the heart of this community. Celebrating our 125 years and the Queens Jubilee in June through a community art project was so appropriate. The participation of our students offered them an exciting opportunity to mark both these wonderful occasions. Our wider community was thrilled by its visual impact and sense of togetherness. It puts a smile on all who pass it daily.
“Community art projects rely on curating space in a very particular way. Higgins and Earlsfield CLT were so supportive and without this the project simply couldn't have happened. This project has generated significant amenity and social value."
The children were really positive about taking part in the project. They commented:
"We are proud and happy to be part of the community. We really enjoyed doing the handprint and it is a great way to represent Swaffield school.”
“It was a terrific experience. We were able to do it with our friends and felt honoured to be asked. It was a really fun way to celebrate such a big anniversary for Swaffield School. We felt so happy and honoured to be part of such a strong community."
The Garratt Lane development will provide 105 private sale and 65 shared ownerships homes which will be marketed by Higgins Homes and 23 social rent properties for local residents. In addition, four commercial units will be built, a new pharmacy and the replacement of Brocklebank Health Centre with a larger brand-new health centre providing upgraded community health facilities which will be located on the corner of Swaffield Road and Garratt Lane, as part of an agreement with the NHS.
The development will be phased with the first phase including 44 apartments and 25 houses on a site previously occupied by an elderly person’s home and a nursery. The second phase contains 91 apartments and includes the replacement of the health centre, which are able to remain operational until the new buildings are ready for occupation, creating as little inconvenience as possible to residents.
The development has been designed by Broadway Malyan and PTE Architects as the concept Architects and Working Drawings Architects.