Buckland Street, Hackney

A mixed-use development in Hoxton, London Borough of Hackney providing a trio of six storey villa blocks interlocked with podiums at ground level. The development also includes the creation of a new children’s play area, refurbishment, and relocation of the existing MUGA, commercial space and general landscaping works to improve general open space and amenity across the site.

The development is a key part of Hackney Council’s Housing Supply Programme, developing underused infill sites within existing estates to crate much needed affordable housing. This mixed tenure development provides 22 homes for social rent, 14 for shared ownership and 18 homes for private sale.

The site is in a pivotal location proposing three villas which sit comfortably amongst the existing contexts. The square form of each villa has been developed by concept Architects Mikhail Riches, to respond to the existing plane trees on the site with curved indentations. The villas sit within gardens each with a slightly different landscape character, the focus being to improve currently unused green spaces for use by the wider community.

This project was shortlisted in the 2021 Housing Design Awards for London.

View the Project Gallery