Clissold Quarter, Hackney
Estate Redevelopment Programme for LB Hackney delivering 273 new homes with external refurbishment works to a further 101 homes. The redevelopment was built in a range of blocks, ranging in height from 5 to 12-storeys, with a community centre and retail units at ground floor level. This was phase 1 of a five-year masterplan, which will total 765 units, of which 490 will be new build and 275 refurbished properties.
The architects for this redevelopment were Karakusevic Carson with Potter Raper Partnerships acting as Employer’s Agent for LB Hackney. The blocks were all designed to be integrated into their local surroundings using clear and simple designs that changed in height in certain locations.
The tenure mix of the new homes comprise of one, two, three and four bed properties, of these 79 are affordable rent, 36 intermediate and 158 private sale.
We commissioned a social Impact Report with HACT (Housing sectors ideas and innovation agency) post contract completion. All community/social initiatives from the project are entered onto the database where they are assigned a value. This enables us to calculate our Social Return on Investment (SROI) Value. After nearly 36 months on site, we had invested £535,000, from this we created £2,132,843 SROI. This equates to a ratio for every £1 spent £3.99 SROI was generated.
This is an award winning development, Kings Crescent secured the following: TPAS - ‘Excellence in Employment, Skills and Training, Highly Commended Award for Best High Volume New Housing Development - LABC Building Excellence Awards 2018, National Housing Award, Best Regeneration Project 2018, Highly Commended for Best Partnership between Higgins and Hackney Council at National Housing Awards 2018, RIBA London Award 2018 and RIBA National Award 2018, Hackney Design Awards – 2018, New London Awards Mayor’s Prize 2018 Supporting Diversity, AJ Award, Best Starter Homes at What House Awards 2017 – Clissold Quarter, Housing Project of the Year (Above £10m), 2018 and AJ Award, Editor’s Choice, 2018.