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Shortlisted at Major Industry Awards

Higgins Partnerships has been shortlisted at two major industry awards.

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Two lots secured on Procure Partnerships Decarbonisation and Retrofit Framework

Higgins Partnerships has been appointed to two lots on the new Procure Partnerships Decarbonisation and Retrofit Framework.

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Higgins Partnerships awarded Ledbury Estate Redevelopment

Southwark Council has selected Higgins Partnerships as its development partner for the two phase, £176 million estate regeneration of Ledbury Estate in Peckham.

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Praise for sustainability and social and community standards at Botanical Place

With construction underway to build the UK’s first whole-life net-zero carbon integrate retirement community at Botanical Place, in the heart of West Byfleet, the team on site has been awarded Excellent following its first Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS) Monitor visit.

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First phase at iconic former Shredded Wheat factory completed

The first phase of 208 mixed tenure new homes at the former iconic Shredded Wheat factory site in Welywn Garden City, Hertfordshire has been completed.

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New retirement community completed at St Andrews Park, Uxbridge

Representatives from Anchor and Higgins Partnerships have come together to celebrate the completion of the new retirement community at St Andrews Park on the former RAF Uxbridge site in West London.

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Providing 32 new social homes for homeless families and people with learning disabilities in Lewisham

The site of a disused warehouse building in Sydenham has been replaced to provide 32 much needed new social homes for local residents, as part of Lewisham Council’s Building for Lewisham Programme.

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15 metre Mural celebrates the wildlife around the River Wandle

An exciting 15 metre wide mural has been unveiled on the hoarding at Higgins’ Garratt Lane development featuring a collection of collages and drawings by over 300 pupils at a series of workshops in five local schools together with local residents who took part in two half day drop in community events.

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Spade in the ground event marks the start of 91 affordable Islington homes

A ‘spade in the ground’ event has marked the start of works to build 91 new affordable homes on the City of London Corporation’s York Way residential estate. 

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New homes for homeless families and people with learning disabilities completed in Sydenham

32 new self-contained apartments have been completed on the site of a disused warehouse building on Mayow Road.

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Higgins appointed to £1.35bn Building and Fire Safety Framework

Higgins Partnerships has been appointed to two lots on a new four year £1.35bn framework which has been launched to support housing providers and other public sector organisations, delivering all aspects of building safety compliance.

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Higgins Partnerships to deliver 134 Passivhaus Classic Standard homes for Hammersmith & Fulham Council

Higgins Partnerships has been appointed by Hammersmith & Fulham Council to deliver 134 new homes on the former site of Hartopp Point and Lannoy Point, Fulham. The high-quality homes will be built to Passivhaus Classic Standards, the most energy efficient standard of properties in the UK.

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Community mural celebrates the past, present and future of Islington

A vibrant mural which has been created by residents of York Way Estate and the Islington community with Islington artist Rose Hill of Co-Creative Connection has been unveiled at Higgins Partnerships’ York Way Estate development.

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Mayor of London visits a street of newly built, four-bed council homes

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, visited a street of newly built, four-bedroom council homes in Brent today, meeting with families as they settled into their new homes.

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