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Calling all Volunteers! Higgins launches its Volunteering Policy

As part of its commitment and approach to supporting the communities in which it works, Higgins has launched its Volunteering Policy on the back of the national Volunteers’ Week 2021 (1st to 7th June).

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Higgins and Brent Council form partnership with the Jason Roberts Foundation

Higgins Partnerships and Brent Council have signed a charter with Jason Roberts Foundation to mark the formation of a partnership to work collaboratively in the Stonebridge community.

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Higgins secures three lots on Anchor Hanover Group construction framework

Leading contractor Higgins has been successful in securing a place on three lots of Anchor Hanover’s multi contractor framework.

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Aspiring local artist creates artwork on Stonebridge Estate hoarding

17 year old aspiring Brent artist, Hannah Poorman has created an eye-catching masterpiece on the hoarding of Higgins Partnerships, site on the Stonebridge Estate. The young artist, who is currently studying Art and Design at college and dreams of becoming an architect, was approached by Higgins after they advertised for a local artist to create some artwork for their hoarding.

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Construction has given Joseph a second chance

As part of its social value strategy, Higgins is committed to working with social enterprises to support offenders, ex-offenders and homeless people into employment and apprenticeship opportunities.

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Supporting learning at St Augustine’s Primary School

As part of its social value commitment at its Chippenham Gardens project in South Kilburn, Brent, Higgins has sponsored an after school STEM club, with a focus on maths for year 6 students.

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Higgins and A2Dominion support St Mark’s Primary School with personal computer and tablet donations

With their ongoing commitment to supporting local communities around their projects, Higgins and A2Dominion have donated laptops and tablets to the children of St Mark’s Primary School in Hanwell, West London.

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Higgins secures lot on Spelthorne Borough Council framework

Higgins Partnerships has been successful in securing a place on the £20 million plus lot on Spelthorne Borough Council’s construction contractors framework.

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Higgins appointed to Camden Council £620 million framework

Higgins Partnerships has been appointed to the New Build and Regeneration lot on Camden Council’s Construction Framework.

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Construction underway at Woodgrange Road, Newham to deliver much-needed affordable homes

Work has started on site at 39A-49A Woodgrange Road, Forest Gate in the London Borough of Newham, E7 to deliver much-needed new homes for the area. Higgins Partnerships has been appointed by Clarion Housing Group, the UK’s largest provider of affordable housing, to transform the vacant brownfield site and build 74 shared ownership, one, two and three bedroom apartments along with retail units on the ground floor.

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The importance of Apprenticeships Supporting National Apprenticeship Week 2021

In the last academic year, UK businesses saw 319,000 apprenticeships started and this year, with the 14th National Apprenticeship Week starting this week, there has never been a more important time to showcase the benefits of apprenticeships.

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New initiative helps Stonebridge children access home learning

Brent Council and contractor, Higgins Partnerships have joined forces to deliver computer equipment to primary schools in the Stonebridge area.

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Higgins Partnerships – We Invest in People

Higgins Partnerships has been awarded the We Invest in People, Standard Accreditation by Investors in People for the fifth time.

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Higgins Partnerships supports local Special Needs School in Harrow

As part of its ongoing commitment to work with the local community around its projects, Higgins Partnerships has been helping special needs school, Shaftesbury High School, in London Borough of Harrow, by moving an existing portacabin at the school so it can be set up as a new library, reading and literacy area for students who attend the school.

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